Monday, November 7, 2011

Group: My Trip to The Land of Ghandi

In This long i will discuss by my fellow peers who have read the chapter, My trip to the land of ghandi, pg 23-30 in the book," A Testament of Hope", edited by James M. Washington. In the group discussion the told me that in that specific shapter he was talking about how he always wanted to go to India because he believed in Ghandi's non-violent method. They also explained that Ghandi was struggling to gain freedom from the british colonist and Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was fighting for freedon and equality within his own nation. They were fighting for two different things but used the same non-violent method and succeeded to their goal.

In the Chapter, The power of Non-violence pg 12-15 i learned that Dr. King used non-violence to gain respect from whites during the civil movements. He said that in order to have non-violence we must educate people how to be like that themselves. He used religion to open the eyes to many so they can see that violence only brings more bitterness and nothing good comes out of it. HIs objective was not to humiliate or defeat those that are doing wrong but to win their friendship and understanding.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Where am I?

When it comes to the project draft itselft i am in the beginning stages because im trying ti make my characters come to live.

When it comes to my bio i am done, i kept it very short and simple just the basic information that the readers and my fellow peers need to know.

i was not aware of the critial refelction so i have not even started on that but i will be done in time for the presentation